
Once upon a time, a great and mighty lion was taking a nap in the forest when a little mouse happened to run across his paw. The lion awoke with a start and caught the mouse in his paw.

"Please, Mr. Lion," the mouse begged. "Let me go, and one day I will repay your kindness."

The lion laughed at the idea of a tiny mouse being able to help him in any way but decided to let the mouse go anyway, thinking it was too insignificant to matter.

Some time later, the lion found himself caught in a hunter's trap. He roared with all his might, but no one came to his aid. Just then, the little mouse happened to hear the lion's cries for help and ran to see what was the matter.

"Please, Mr. Mouse," the lion said. "Can you help me get out of this trap?"

The mouse saw the lion's plight and began gnawing at the ropes that held the trap closed. It took some time, but eventually, the mouse was able to free the lion from the trap.

The lion was amazed at the little mouse's strength and thanked him for his help. From that day on, the lion and the mouse became the best of friends, and the lion learned that even the smallest and seemingly least important creature could be of great help in times of need.

The moral of the story is that no act of kindness, no matter how small, goes unnoticed. Even the tiniest of creatures can have a big impact on the world around them, and we should always be grateful for the help we receive, no matter how unexpected or from whom it comes.