It's okay to give up sometimes
It's okay to accept failures
It's okay if my salary is less than others
It's okay to be completely lost
It's okay to get rejected by dream company
It's okay if no one understand me
It's okay to spend sleepless nights
It's okay to compare with others
It's okay to experience mental torture
It's okay to cry for a job
It's okay not to be a happy soul all time
It's okay to compromise
It's okay to take my own time to recover
It's okay to feel insecure to express feelings
It's okay if no-one knows what I'm going through
It's okay to be a smiling face with a crying heart
It's okay to feel life is unfair
It's okay to ask for help
It's okay to feel "my parents won't be proud of me"
It's okay to be underestimated
It's okay if I'm less smarter than others
It's okay to be over stressed
It's okay to take wrong decisions
It's okay to feel "I'm not lucky" But it's NOT OKAY to 'QUIT' All our sacrifices, hard work, insecurities were worth it in the end❤️.
Life gives us what we want, sit tight and wait