Healthy EGO and Inspired JEALOUS
Healthy EGO and Inspired JEALOUS


Feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages.


A person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance Or The part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.

There will be too many meanings for theses and too much clarity about these two things are bad for anyone.There are too many quotes about EGO and Jealous and few of them are:

1. Negative States of Mind, such as anger, resentment, fear, envy and jealousy are products of EGO.

2. EGO and Jealousy can ruin even a kind mind too.

3. EGO and Jealousy are the most poisonous things.. So don't use them at all.

4. EGO and Jealousy are the emotions which can make you biased one.

5. Jealousy is an evil which grows in the womb of EGO and is nourished by selfishness and attachment.

The list goes on and on and always says it's bad and that’s just pure negative mind-set only can think.

So what should we do...?

Do you think all those who got success don't have EGO or Jealousy?

Sorry if someone says that then they are lying for sure as we are humans and we were raised with competitive mind-set and comparative mind-set.

So what would have done to get success??

Did they turned the jealous into learning or did they used the EGO to act and achieve something.

But what's there to learn from Jealous and where can we use ego???

Ques: What does Jealous mean??

Ans: The feeling that someone is having something like a skill or money or any other thing.

Positive Mind-set:

1. Are the Skills have restriction that only few should learn or the skills are free to learn.

2. If not, who are restricting us to learn.

3. If you are jealous means, life is telling you that there is something more you can learn.

Ques: What does EGO mean??

Ans: It might be translated to self-esteem or even selfishness. But wait for a moment, if we are satisfied with what we have, did we have invented anything.

Positive Mind-set: Lamborghini, a tractor manufacturing company who got rejected by Ferrari had used that Ego and Anger to create one of the best Sports and Luxury car brands.

The best way to use your EGO Mind-Set:

If everyone can do, you too can do. If no one can do, then so what we'll try to do.

Need motivation:

Have Jealous but use that Jealous to learn and Have Ego and Use your EGO to provide the best part of you than anyone can.