HR Will Get Back To You
HR Will Get Back To You

HR will get back to you..

HR will get back to you..

I know most of would have heard this at least once in life.. When we expect feedback or at least not selected answer, how bad that HR's never get back to us..

Even we all have faced this & felt bad sometimes and got angry the other times.

For the people who know me or worked with me, As they know i always comes up either new or stupid ideas, i did got such idea. Then one fine morning I started learning more and practice more by just attending interview to learn more. After few Months, I ended up getting selected one by one in multiple companies.

The moment came to me to reject the offer given by the HR's. I was prepared and when i answer the call, it was really a hard feeling to reject & tell them i'm not going to join.

Then only I realized that how hard it might be for them to reject for so many every day. That day i realized that maybe that "HR will get back to you" means that i'm not able to clear and should prepare well..

It made me to note down everything and prepare well for next time. Maybe i would have prepared better if i have got enough feedback. But at least it didn't made me to stop there and get stressed.

Let them Debug this or help them to come up with better way to give us feedback..


