Does thinking burn calories and Can stress cause weight gain
Does thinking burn calories and Can stress cause weight gain

To get inspired to read the whole post read the last sentence 1st.

On an average each person burns around 1200 to 1440 Calories a day by doing nothing (50 to 60 Calories per hour). While the brain represents just 2% of a person's total body weight, it accounts for 20% of the body's energy use. 

That means during a typical day, a person burns about 320 to 360 calories just to think. Just by doing basic functional thinking can help you burn calories. It burns a bit more if you think really hard. If you are thinking about burning calories rather than sitting idle also helps you to burn more calories. But just these are not enough to make you slim down. 

If you want to be fit, losing weight is not the solution (especially faster), gaining Strength helps you. Increase in metabolism helps you be fitter.

1. No need of longer runs, just shift from escalator/lift to steps helps you.

2. Drinking water 30min before any meal helps you reduce your appetite.

3. Reduce your caffeine intake.

4. Limit your intake of Sugar

5. Sufficient protein helps you to feel full

6. Have a fresh walk in park

7. Early and lite dinner before 8'PM and early sleep lets your liver to clean us better

8. Early morning breakfast or not skipping breakfast reduces Acid reflux.

Last one but the best one...

9. Try to be happy and live every moment happily and it does help you increase your metabolism.

Different mental states can subsequently affect the way the brain consumes energy. Stress can also cause weight gain despite diet and exercise interventions and it can lead to

1. Inadequate sleep might cause insomnia

2. Growing Appetite towards junk food

3. Procrastination

4. Metabolism

Whenever you are stress, we are humans and it’s difficult to come out of that but just give a try to come out of that.

If you still feel stress

1. Leave the room

2. Go for a walk

3. Watch Cartoon

4. Drink Water

5. Stay in SUN for a few minutes

6. Listen to your favorite song


For Women those who sleep less than 7'hrs has a high chance of gaining weight and for men who sleep 6'hrs has the same problem.

Tips to sleep well:

1. Make sure your body gets tired to take rest.

2. Before your plan to go for sleep have 3'hrs of break to watch the screen

3. Think all the good things you achieved and the things that you are going to achieve the next day.

4. Keep your room clean all the time.

5. Don't consume caffeine late in the day and try to come out of that addiction.

A small change in life style change your health a lot and make you fitter.

Fun fact:

Christian Bale ate only apple's and fish as part of his diet to have the look in "The Machinist"


If you still think this motivation is not sufficient, go to hospital and check the patients there and how hard they are trying to come out of hospital. You'll surely get plenty of inspiration to at least try the above points.